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Introduction to PLS-SEM workshop؛ SmartPLS4 is the New, Updated, and Much Advanced PLS-SEM tool. This workshop will guide the researchers and data analysts on how to utilize the tool to perform the basic and advance statistical techniques using SmartPLS4.

About SmartPLS4 software

SmartPLS4 is the new version of SmartPLS. The new and much advanced PLS-SEM tool has much more to offer. It is very user friendly and a great tool for both academics and practitioners to perform complex data analysis for their data.

m/Introduction to PLS-SEM workshop

Some highlights available in SmartPLS 4

  • A fundamentally renewed and optimized GUI
  • Significantly improved performance
  • Data import from Excel or SPSS in addition to CSV files
  • Multiple moderation (e.g., three-way interactions)
  • Testing endogeneity with Gaussian copulas
  • Regression models, including many useful diagnostics and reports to fully perform the analyses
  • PROCESS type analysis, including bootstrapping of conditional direct and indirect effects
  • Necessary condition analysis (NCA) including significance testing
  • Accounting for scale type of variables in most algorithms
  • Standardized, unstandardized and mean-centered PLS-SEM analysis
  • New datafiles can be created from calculation results directly (useful for higher-order models)
  • Many new sample models are now included


Two important books for further reading in PLS-SEM


m/Introduction to PLS-SEM workshop

m/Introduction to PLS-SEM workshop

The content that will be taught in the workshop is as follows:


  1. How to Enter Data in SPSS/MS Excel
  2. Steps in Data Analysis
  3. Import Data and Design a Simple SmartPLS4 Model
  4. Understanding the Concepts in SEM
  5. Concept of Convergent and Discriminant Validity
  6. How to Assess Indicator and Construct Reliability?
  7. How to Assess Convergent Validity?
  8. How to Assess Discriminant Validity?
  9. How to Solve Discriminant Validity Issues?
  10. How to Design, Analyze, and Interpret a Measurement Model?
  11. Understanding and Validating Formative Construct in SmartPLS4?
  12. How to Analyze Higher Order Reflective-Formative Model?
  13. How to Analyze Higher Order Reflective-Reflective Model?
  14. Simple Structural Model in SmartPLS4
  15. How to Perform Mediation Analysis using SmartPLS4?
  16. How to Perform Moderation Analysis using SmartPLS4?
  17. How to Perform Robustness Tests using SmartPLS4?